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Die Jakobsleiter. Oratorium

Quelle: Dauernkalkulation

zum Notenmanuskript
zum Notenmanuskript

Quellentyp: Dauernkalkulation
Papiersorte: The sketchbook is hand made with a dark blue cloth cover on which the title is written in gold using German gothic lettering. The endpapers are dark green. The green leaf in the front of the volume is dated, May 1915. The book consists of 9 gatherings, each consisting of 5 double leaves of 'J.E. & Co. 48 linig' paper trimmed to 15-17 staves. The leaf containing p. [159-160] is missing from the volume. Inserts on unlined paper were tipped into the v. at p. 10, 30, and 50. The 1st insert consists of 3 leaves (p. 10a-10f) of paper with chain lines watermarked 'REICHS ADLER/PAPIER' including a watermark of the Austrian eagle. Pages 10a-10c contain notes on the instrumentation for the Symphony of 1914-15 with seating diagrams and is written in black and red ink and pencil. Pages 10d-10f are blank. The 2nd insert likewise consists of 3 leaves (p. 30a-30f) of paper bearing a different 'REICHS-ADLER' watermark also including the Austrian eagle and chain lines. These p. contain notes for the instrumentation of Jakobsleiter with a drawing of the stage on p. 30f written in black ink, pencil and red, blue, and green pencil. The 3rd insert consists of 2 leaves (only the 1st 2 p. are numbered, 50a-50b); the 2nd leaf is blank. It is dated April 1922 and is written in pencil and red pencil. It also consists of instrumentation notes for Die Jakobsleiter. A leaf of graph paper (13 x 8 cm.) containing notes on orchestration and other calculations is inserted at p. 34-35. A leaf of printed score paper (17.3 x 26.8 cm.) having 15 staves with instrumentation printed in the margin is inserted between p. 40-41. The recto of the leaf contains a broken chromatic scale written in pencil. A leaf of graph paper (16.7 x 14 cm.) is attached to the right margin of p. 107 and is written in black ink. It consists of notes for how the work should be conducted. A leaf of blue paper (14.5 x 11.1 cm.) is attached to p. 108. On the recto, it is a carbon copy while the verso is written in pencil. The original of this note is attached to p. 35 of the ms. short score. It is a note about the off-stage orchestra. A leaf of ruled paper (20.8 x 13.5 cm.) is attached to the right margin of p. 122. It is a carbon copy with pencil additions and consists of notes on the instrumentation of the off-stage musicians. A leaf of printed music paper (5.3 x 18.1 cm.) consisting of 3 staves with a pencil sketch for the final chorus of Die Jakobsleiter is attached to p. 128. A leaf of 'J.E. No. 6, 20 linig' paper was folded and attached to the right margin of p. 116. It consists of pencil sketches for the final chorus of Die Jakobsleiter (Sk 460). The following p. are blank or contain only a p. no.: 6-19, 113-[114], [118]-119, 129-130, 135-140, [141-180]. There are an additional 8 loose leaves (Sk 454-461A) described according to microfilm no. Sk 454: A note about how to manage the coordination of the sound of the various performing forces for Die Jakobsleiter is written in black ink with a diagram on a leaf (21.5 x 20.8 cm.). It also contains a note dated Mar. 1926. Sk 455: A note about using microphones to coordinate the off-stage forces is written in pencil with an orchestration chart on the verso (9.5 x 21.5 cm.). It was probably written in 1944 and was clipped to the previous leaf. Sk 456: An orchestration chart (28.2 x 21.9 cm.) is written with black ink, pencil, and green pencil on ruled paper. There are also sketches of chess boards. Sk 457: Calculations of timings for the playing time of Die Jakobsleiter are written in pencil and blue pencil on 'J.E. & Co.' paper (22.3 x 32.4 cm.) trimmed to 24 staves. Sk 458: This p. is the original, written in black ink, pencil, and green pencil, of the leaf attached to p. 122. However, this p. bears a note written in English dated Oct. 1944. Sk 459: A leaf (23.7 x 15.9 cm.) of notes referring to the libretto (Dichtung 14) are written in black ink and pencil. Sk 461: There is a sketch of the opening ostinato written in pencil on a leaf (22 x 28 cm.) of paper used to make diazo reproductions. The 9 staves are hand-drawn. The verso contains 10 staves with musical sketches printed backwards and forwards as diazo reproductions. There is also a pencil note not by Schoenberg. Sk 461a: A chart for the choruses of Die Jakobsleiter is written in black ink on a leaf (14 x 32.6 cm.) of 'J.E. & Co.' paper trimmed to 14 staves. The sketches are written in pencil. Other writing media appear on p. 25, 28, 31, 33-36, 39-40, 43-50, 52-56, 58-68, 77-79, 81-83, 88-89, 93-97, 108-109, 117, 123-124, 132, 134-135 (black ink); 2-3, 21, 40, 43, 47, 53-72, 74, 77-90, 92-93, 106-109, 112, 123-126, 132-134 (red pencil); 106-109, 123-126, 132-134 (green pencil); 84, 87, 92, 94 (blue pencil); 106, 109 (blue-black ink); 32 (purple pencil); 93 (purple ink). Dates appear on p. 1 (3 Mar. 1915), 21 (30 Jan. 1917), 28 (June 1917), 78 (2 Sept. 1917), 96 (30 Nov. 1917 and 19 Sept. 1917), 97 (7 Dec. 1917), 103 (4 Jan. 1918), 117 (June 1921 and 18 Apr. 1922), 121 (9 Mar. 1918), 124 (July 1922). Published and described in: Arnold Schönberg sämtliche Werke. Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne ; Wien : Universal Edition. Sketches for Die Jakobsleiter described in: Jean Christensen, 'Arnold Schoenberg's oratorio Die Jakobsleiter,' v.2, p. 121-172. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1979. Contents: Symphony 1914-15. Lebenlust (p. 1-5, 10a-10f); Quintet for string quartet and harmonium (p. 20-27); Die Jakobsleiter (p. 27-32); 3 bar unidentified sketch for piccolo (p. 32); Die Jakobsleiter (p. 33-112, 115-117); String septet (p. 120-122); Die Jakobsleiter (p. 122-128); String septet (p. 131); Die Jakobsleiter (p. 132-134).
Seiten: 1

Standort: Arnold Schönberg Center
Signatur: MS 78, Sk457

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