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Von heute auf morgen. Oper in einem Akt

Quelle: Korrektur-Listen

zum Notenmanuskript
zum Notenmanuskript

Quellentyp: Errataliste
Seiten: 46

Beschreibung: Partial holograph errata sheets.
Errata sheets for flute, piccolo, oboe, English horn, first and second violins.
The flute and piccolo errata are written in black ink on both sides of two separate leaves of 'K.U.V. Beethoven Papier Nr. 37. (24 Linien)' paper, measuring 34.4 x 26.7 cm. The grids are drawn in pencil; additional corrections are made in green pencil or green ink. The oboe, English horn, first and second violin errata lists are written in black ink on both sides of 4 separate leaves of 'J.E. & Co. 12a, 20 linig' paper, measuring 26.7 x 34.2 cm. The grids are drawn in pencil. Some of these leaves are not entirely in Schoenberg's hand. The English horn errata list is numbered '19' in the lower left hand corner.

[Errata sheets for the first draft of Von heute auf morgen]
Chiefly handwritten sheets detailing corrections to the first draft from measure 459 to 842. Five of the leaves are written on both sides. The first leaf is typewritten on the recto. The rest of the leaves are either carbon copies or are written in pencil. Each completed page is numbered in red pencil in the upper right hand corner. Holes have been punched in the left margin in all but five of the leaves. Each leaf bears the heading 'Fehler'. The errata chart has been drawn but is not used on the versos of 2 leaves. A two measure correction, for meas. 782-783, has been written on a small piece of music paper with 5 staves, measuring 7.9 x 14.6 cm., and is affixed to the page numbered '16'. There is a brief signed comment about the notation written in green ink on this attached leaf. The leaves and pages are tallied on the final leaf. The final leaf is written on stationery 'Dozent Dr. Kolisch, Karlsbad...'
In handmade folder, made with 4 leaves of music staff paper. The first leaf measures 33 x 25.9 cm. The verso contains a crossed out sketch of measure 730 in black ink. The second leaf measures 43.8 x 32.5 cm. The third and fourth leaves are affixed to the second leaf and measure 19.2 x 19.8 cm. and 15.4 x 19.8 cm. respectively.

[Errata sheets for the score to Von heute auf morgen]
Written on four separate leaves. The first leaf is a carbon copy and is on a leaf measuring 29.1 x 22.9 cm. Corrections for measures 27-166 appear on the recto; the verso is blank. Two holes are punched in the left hand margin. The second leaf is written in black ink on one leaf measuring 28.8 x 22.5 cm. Additional corrections are made in red pencil. The recto contains errata for measures 273-401, the verso, measures 394-465. The third leaf is written in black ink on one leaf of 'K.U.V. Beethoven Papier Nr. 35. (20 Linien)' paper measuring 33.7 x 26.3 cm. The errata grid is drawn in green ink; additional corrections are made in red pencil. The recto contains errata for measures 468-891, the verso, measures 914-1050. The fourth leaf is written in black ink on one leaf of 'J.E. & Co. No. 5' paper with 18 staves, measuring 34.8 x 26 cm.
The errata grid is drawn in pencil on both sides, but only the recto is used. It contains corrections for measures 1056-1100.

[Errata sheets for Von heute auf morgen]
Errata written in pencil in unknown [copyist's?] hand with corrections and responses in red pencil or black ink by Schoenberg. Measure numbers appear in random order. Written on both sides of two separate leaves. The grid is drawn in pencil. Two of the columns are labelled 'Frage' and 'Antwort'.

Quellensiegel: [ohne]
Standort: Arnold Schönberg Center
Signatur: MS 33, ohne Archivnr.

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