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Von heute auf morgen. Oper in einem Akt

Quelle: Entwurf einer Begleitbroschüre zum Druck

zum Notenmanuskript
zum Notenmanuskript

Quellentyp: Entwurf
Seiten: 6

Beschreibung: Draft of a foreword for a prospectus written in black ink on one leaf measuring 33 x 21 cm. Additions and corrections have been made in black ink, pencil, and purple pencil. The verso is blank.
Printing instructions and examples written on two leaves, written in black ink with corrections and additions in blue pencil, red pencil, red ink. The smaller leaf measures 9.4 x 12.8 cm. and is affixed to the top margin of the larger leaf. The verso is blank. The larger leaf measures 28.4 x 22.5 cm. The instructions are continued onto the verso.
One typewritten carbon copy of a draft of the libretto, page 7, with annotations and corrections in black ink, pencil, blue pencil and red pencil. This version of this part of the text matches no others exactly. There are also 3 measures of musical sketches in pencil on this page. The verso is blank.
Timings written in pencil on one leaf, measuring 23 x 5.4 cm. The verso is blank. Instructions to the printer are handwritten in black ink on one leaf measuring 33 x 21.1 cm. The verso is blank.

Quellensiegel: [ohne]
Standort: Arnold Schönberg Center
Signatur: MS 33, 2765-2770

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