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Von heute auf morgen. Oper in einem Akt

Quelle: Zwölftonreihen und -tabellen

zum Notenmanuskript
zum Notenmanuskript

Quellentyp: Zwölfton-Device
Papiersorte: J.E. | Protokoll. Schutzmarke | No. 9 | 28linig. (34,7 x 26,5 cm). Firmenzeichen links unten neben dem untersten Notensystem: Ein rechts stehender Löwe hält eine aufgerollte Buchrolle, links Blattgirlande; auf der Buchrolle schräg ansteigend das Firmenzeichen.
Seiten: 20

Beschreibung: Holograph tone rows and charts.
Mfl. 2752-2764 : Tone row booklet with 14 leaves, bound in handmade cardboard cover measuring 9 x 14 cm. Each page contains one tone row written in black ink with the remaining 5-7 staves blank. Pages [1], [26-28] are blank. Each row is labelled in the left hand margin. The front cover contains the primary row and 'Einakter/Reihen/Anfang' written in black ink. The verso has 'Ende' written in black ink.
Mfl. 2748 : Chart of tone row relationships when broken down into groups of 7, 9 and 5. Written on one leaf of lined paper measuring 17.2 x 22.4 cm., with pencil and black ink used for the numbers, red pencil and blue pencil used for the groupings. Related to tone row chart with sketches, mfl. 2725. The lower left hand corner is stamped '173'. The verso is stamped '172' but is otherwise blank.
Mfl. 2749 : Chart of tone row relationships when broken down into groups of 7, which are further broken down into tetrachords and trichords. Written on one leaf of transparent paper, measuring 10.3 x 33.7 cm., with red ink used for the groupings, black ink for the grid and numbers.
Mfl. 2750 : Handwritten chart of tone row pairings and relationships, written partially in pencil, partially in black ink on one unlined leaf, measuring 22.1 x 17.2 cm. The verso is blank.
Mfl. 2751 : Tone row chart written in black ink on one leaf of 'J.E. & Co. No. 9, 28 linig' paper, measuring 34.4 x 26.5 cm. An alternate order for the final six pitches is given for each row. Each row is labelled; 'T' and 'T5' (the primary row and its transposition at the fifth) are underlined. 'U5' (the inversion of the primary row at the fifth) is written primarily in red ink. '3/8' is stamped in the right hand margin. The verso is blank.
Mfl. 2764A-2764B/U539-U540 : Tone row charts and sketches written in black ink and pencil on one leaf of 15 stave paper, measuring 25.2 x 34.6 cm. The first two staves of the recto contain the primary tone row and its inversion at the fifth, written in pencil. The rest of the recto contains sketches with various combinations of the rows. The verso contains further sketches of rows in combination with the primary row.

Quellensiegel: [ohne]
Standort: Arnold Schönberg Center
Signatur: MS 36, 2560; MS 33, 2748-2764, 2764A/U539, 2764B/U540

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